Update to this post: June 24, 2019
I’m honored that the yellow/orange/black/white sun (bottom one below) was chosen and aired on two occasions on CBS Sunday Morning. Click links below for more.
Sun Art Aired on CBS Sunday Morning
Sun Shown Again On Another Broadcast of CBS Sunday Morning
Since it’s debut in 1979, CBS Sunday Morning has featured artistic suns. I was watching the show on it’s January 27, 2019 broadcast and one of the stories was about Jessica Frank. She is the person at CBS Sunday Morning that handpicks the suns that are submitted by the public. At CBS she is known as the Sun Queen. Seeing the story, I decided to submit my work. I created two suns and submitted them for consideration. One of the suns has two backgrounds; one on black and the other on white.
A couple of weeks after I emailed her the suns, I received this wonderful email from her:
My e-mailbox is jammed full of suns, and it’s been taking me a while to get to them all. With that being said, I have to tell you that your suns really stand out as very special ones. They’re absolutely great, and perfect for use on future Sunday Morning broadcasts. Thanks so much for your patience, and for sharing your beautiful artwork with us. I promise to let you know when any of your suns are used.
Jessica Frank

I am FACS teacher (aka Home Economics)
i would love for my students to create art work of The Sun and submit it.
How do I go about doing so??
Many thanks,
Lori Costello
Thank you Lori. I think that’s a great idea for your students. It’s very easy to submit. I’ve been watching CBS Sunday Morning for many years and never thought about it until I saw a story on the show about the woman behind the suns, Jessica Frank. Here’s a link to the story that aired on the show: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/meet-the-sunday-morning-sun-queen/
You simply email jpeg images to her email [email protected]. In the email, tell her about you and your students.
Andrew Reach
Thank you
Can’t wait to get started. You’re awesome for helping me!
Have a great day,
I have tens of hundreds of sun art that I’ve done over many years. I’ve watched Sunday morning for more than 40 years. Back in the day when Charles Karault, Charles Osgood hosted.. I would like to send several suns for your viewing for the heck of it. Would be nice to see one on the Sunday program. Thank you for the entertaining thought.
Yes, I too have been watching the show for many years and when I saw the segment on Sunday Morning about the Sun Queen of CBS, I decided to send in my suns and was honored that it was chosen for airing. See this page with video about the person who picks the suns, Jessica Frank: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/meet-the-sunday-morning-sun-queen/. You can send some of your suns to Jessica Frank at this email address, [email protected]
My Granddaughter Cyndal Tarpley did this at school 7 years old this year 2020 Dothan Al Goes to Highlands Elementary
That’s wonderful!
Good Morning Andrew (or whoever is reading this)
Ironically, I came across this teacher above as I was looking for an email to write to regarding it seems for the same reason she did, to submit artwork of subs from her students. I wasn’t sure what to teach my 350 preschoolers in an integrated program here in Sayreville, Nj this week. I was watching CBS Sunday Morning as I usually do with my Mother and the Sun inspired me to have my students create suns out of Anything They have at home, which is perfect for teaching during covid because no t all students have paint or certain materials, so this gives them lots of flexibility to make the suns out of anything. I would love to send photos of what they do this week to CBS. Is the email above the correct one to send the work to? (mailto:[email protected])
Any response is appreciated thank you!
Nina Iglesias
Art Relief Teacher
Sayreville Public Schools
Hi Nina,
First I want to say great work your doing with children using art. I think art is so universal for all children to participate in. Yes, the email is correct. It is to a woman at CBS, Jessica Frank, that has been doing the suns on the CBS Sunday Morning show for many years. Yes, you should definitely submit all of the work your students have made.
Found a nature made sun in the snow bank on A Sunday morning walk
Good morning!
My husband and I faithfully watch the CBS Sunday Morning show. Every week I look forward to the suns that are featured. I can’t explain it, but it starts my day off on a good note. I love it! I remember the show that featured the “Sun Queen,” but forgot that much of the artwork is submitted by viewers! Wonderful stuff.
Here’s my thought: if a traveling “pop up” exhibit of the artwork showed up in my city, Chicago, I’d want to visit. There are Covid-safe galleries now, but an outdoor venue, like Millennium Park, might support free standing panels along a path. I can picture it lifting the spirits of any who pass by.
That said, I was very happy to discover the online suns. A beautiful gathering of the talent amongst CBS Sunday Morning viewers.
Thank you. Best regards, Bev O
Hi Beverly,
Thanks for your thoughts and suggestion. Yes, I too have been watching the show for many years and when I saw the segment about the Sun Queen of CBS, I decided to send in my suns and was honored that it was chosen for airing.
Best regards. Be well and safe,
Andrew Reach
Is there a table top book of all of the Suns that I can buy for my wife for her birthday?
Thank you very much.
Hi Ed,
Not that I know of but you may want to email Jessica Frank at CBS ([email protected]). She is the curator who selects the suns that are submitted for the show. It’s a great idea for a book though.
There are several books but I don’t know if there’s one containing all of them.
Hi. do you know what the books name/author?