ART-ITECTURE Lecture at the University of Washington Rome Center – Palazzo Pio

I was invited to do a lecture at the University of Washington Rome Center for CIRCUS MAXIMUS – DIATOMIC DIALOGUES,  Astra Zarina International Architects Speaker Series at Palazzo Pio in the heart of Rome. It was sponsored by City Meta Lab. The other speakers were from Urban Office Architects in Milan, Massimo Marinelli and Tatiana Mardare.  I did the lecture on March 19 live streamed via zoom in Rome at the Palazzo Pio that now houses the University of Washington Rome Center. The palazzo was built in 1450 It is built upon the ruins of the Temple of Venus, which once crowned a theater complex built by Pompey the Great. 

My lecture was titled ART-ITECTURES and in it I say:

Architecture never left; it lives inside me, continually drawing me in directions unknown with hybrid tectonic form making synthesizing visual and sculptural art. An explorer needs a vessel, and mine is 3d modeling software, allowing me to travel where my imagination takes me.  I get lost in the virtual space, an escape hatch from pain. Pain is inspiration; Fuel for fire.

Also, something new for me. I’ve been thinking about this for sometime, years actually but never had the courage to do it, which is to make music. In my videos, I’ve been using music, not my own, and realized this would be an opportunity to have original music composed by me that is choreographed specifically for each video. So I got a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) and a MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) Keyboard and learned the basics of how to compose music with it and with that, magically, as I don’t understand how organically I took to it, composed three new musical compositions in 3 of the videos I showed in the lecture.

In the virtual world, my 3d models live in video. Digital technology has upended the visualization of architecture from the analog era I learned architecture in. With a physical model of which I built many, one can physically experience it in the round. So I have all these 3d models that can’t be experienced like a traditional physical architectural model. I’ve thought about bringing them into the Metaverse but it has not become accessible to the many, so my work around is video, where the virtual camera is a stand-in for the physical body as it moves around and inside the models. As architecture is music expressed in physical form, I’ve begun to compose music to accompany the movements the camera navigates. 

For best viewing experience, watch on YouTube (click link at bottom). Check that setting is on HD resolution and unmute sound.

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ESCAPE HASH – A Monument to Social Media – Video and Original Music

For best viewing experience, watch on youtube (click link at bottom). Check that setting is on HD resolution and unmute sound.

Apps: MOI, Blender and Waveform (for original music)

Forged from the sloping angles of a rhombohedron, titanium members weave together to form hash signs on its four sides and on top as social media weaves into the fabric of our technological times.  This symbol turns the data of billions of souls vying to be seen and heard into meta-data, categorizes it and makes it searchable;  to share joys, beauty, injustices, grief…. and so much more, elevating our humanity.  Yet, represented by the perfection of its titanium surface scarred by scratches, these forces of light are tempered by the forces of darkness by its use to tear down our humanity.  One can sit on its timber benches and reflect on this symbols’ meaning to them in their personal lives as the reflecting pools reflect its aqua color onto its surface.

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MACHINA CURVARUM – A Whimsical Machine

MACHINA CURVARUM is a whimsical machine, devoid of practical function but nevertheless functional in a spiritual way. It functions as a sensory inducer. What senses does it induce? That is up to you.

An Octahedron formed from 402 modular blocks is set in a metal ring with modular appendages that connect to the ring on an internal track allowing it to spin freely inside it. The ring is attached to axles allowing it to spin freely. The axles are connected to metal supports that rise up and down on hydraulic cylinders. This structure is set into a pair of concrete bases. The concrete bases act as ballast to counteract the centrifugal forces of the spinning structure.

App: Blender

The Waltz Suite: I. The Building Site
Composer: Alfred Schnittke
Arranged and Conducted by Frank Strobel and performed by Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra

For best viewing experience, watch on youtube (click link at bottom). Check that setting is on HD resolution and unmute sound.

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CURVARUM I- Architecture meets Sculpture


My work evolves over time with a constant drive of its connection to architecture. The challenge is to merge mathematical aspects of tectonic systems into the constructed form and space hovering between arts and architecture, envisioning and making geometric structures and tectonic systems that blur their boundaries. Geometric structures, different kinds of architectures emerge that uncovers, discovers unexpected three-dimensional patterns, forms, and dynamics Creating complex geometric constructs engage simultaneously analytical and synthetic operations.

With CURVARUM I, undulating massing of syncopated modulations are supported by a concrete ‘spine’ and concrete columns. The module is constructed from a grid of circles (see last image in this post). Using modules is a tectonic approach to form making.

click on images to enlarge (except for mobile devices)

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