Virtual Publication – In Print & Online

I can’t believe it’s been almost seven years since my art was first written about. As I continue to archive and organize, I realized I was not taking full advantage of all the tools that have come online to archive my work. So with that in mind, I’ve created this virtual interactive publication. It catalogs what has appeared in print and online about me and my art  and self published work, from 2005 when I had my first solo exhibition, to the present. Each entry has an “eye” icon that links to the original online content. Among the newspapers and websites that have written about me are The Miami New Times, The Cleveland Plain Dealer, The Columbus Dispatch,, Art Digital Magazine, Seven Days Vermont, New York Hall of Science, Art & Sciences Collaborative,, Voice of America, The Frost Art Museum and

This is an evolving publication and new entries will be added as new online content about my work is published. Click here to see publication.

Screenshot of Cover

screenshot of pages 4-5

Art Exhibition “Let’s Get Digital”: 15 Ohio Artists Working with Digital Methods as a Tool to Create


I’m proud to share pictures from the opening of the exhibition “Let’s Get Digital” at the Ohio Arts Council Riffe Gallery in Columbus Ohio. I am honored to be among this wonderful group of artists in the show. What we have in common is that we all use digital technology as a tool in making our art. Some artists combine digital tools with traditional methods while others, like myself, use 100% digital tools and technology to not only create but render our work. Below are pictures of the show and also the press that has so far covered the exhibition. What I’ve posted here are the pictures the curator Alexandra Nicholis Coon sent me that were taken by her friend and only some of the artists represented were in them. When I get more pictures of the other artists and their work, I will update the post.

I’d like to extend a special thanks to Alex Coon for selecting me to be included in this exhibition and for her support of artists working in digital media. Also, thank you to Mary Gray, director of the Riffe Gallery and to the Ohio Arts Council for making it all possible.

From the Riffe Gallery Website:
Curated by Alexandra Nicholis Coon, executive director of the Massillon Museum, “Let’s Get Digital” demonstrates the endless opportunities digital technology offers to the world of art. Whether it be the tool, product, or subject of their artwork, all artists in this exhibition were selected based on their innovative applications of digital technology. To the 15 artists represented in this show, digital technology serves as an avenue for exploring new ideas and relationships that are not possible with traditional media.

Artists in the show include (hometown noted): Janet Ballweg (Bowling Green), Jerry Birchfield (Cleveland), John Branham (Massillon), Kimberly Burleigh (Cincinnati), Guy Michael Davis (Cincinnati), Nicholas Economos (Cleveland), Ronald Geibert (Beavercreek), Brian Harnetty (Columbus), Dan Hernandez (Maumee), Janice Lessman-Moss (Kent), Katie Parker (Cincinnati), Joshua Penrose (Columbus), Andrew Reach (Cleveland), Michele Waalkes (Canton) and Gina Washington (Cleveland).

Parks & Recreation by Andrew Reach

Alexandra Nicholis, Executive Director at Massillon Museum
& Curator of
 Let’s Get Digital Exhibition

Riffe Gallery Director Mary Gray taking flight
at opening on May 8, 2012

From left: De Rerum Natura & Mandala Machine by Andrew Reach

On Right: A Fisherman’s Net Strung by the Constellations
by Andrew Reach 

Amelia and John Sparks, Alex N. Coon, Margy Vogt
in front of A Fisherman’s Net Strung by the Constellations

The exhibition was covered in the press by the Columbus Dispatch,
The lantern at Ohio State University & Columbus Alive.
To read the articles click on the pictures below.

Columbus Dispatch

 The Lantern

Columbus Alive

From left: Jill Malusky (Massillon Museum),
artist Joshua Penrose (Columbus) and
artist John Branham (Masillon)

Artist Jerry Birchfield (Cleveland) and his sister

Artist Jerry Birchfield in front of his 5 artworks

Guy Michael Davis & Katie Parker  – Porcelain Busts
(Porcelain, 3-D scanning, Rapid prototyping)

Ronald Geibert’s (Beavercreek)
Camouflaged Electronic Kiosk 

Michele Waalkes  (Canton) with her prints

Gina Washington (Cleveland)

John Branham (Massillon)
with his prints 

Jill Malusky (Massillon Museum)
& John Branham

Joshua Penrose (Columbus) with his
Sound Installation Resonant Carboy

Joshua Penrose & Maya Penrose