Look Inside: Artwork 010b-2016

Evie Zimmer, an artist whose work I admire greatly, has been sharing pictures of the progression of a painting. The creative duo, Laura and Gary Dumm, have also been sharing the progress of paintings in a amazing series they are making. Wonderful to get an inside look at the making of an artwork.Wonderful to get an inside look at the making of an artwork. And I thought perhaps I could give a look inside my work. So in that spirit I created this post.

Here’s a screenshot of what I’m working on currently. It’s organized on a grid. Columns are designated with numbers; rows with letters. There are 14 columns and 14 rows for a total of 196 units. With this, every unit can be located. Each unit has two colors; a light color contrasted by a dark color. Units have a titled square with the tilt alternating between units from 60 degrees to 30 degrees. Between contiguous units, dark colors always abut against light colors. I don’t have a title yet but it’s photoshop file name is 010b_2016.psd

click on image to enlarge


screenshot-2_010bscreen shot – layers

Pratt Project With Visiting Professor Mexican Architect Enrique Norton

Health/Gym Complex
Pratt, 1985

Scanning some projects from my past. Another Pratt project. The Mexican Architect Enrique Norton, founder and principle of Ten-Arquitectos, was my studio professor for this one.

Enrique Norton asked us to look at structures not designed by architects but by engineers; that these structures epitomized modernity. We were to choose a structure and create a transformation of it into a conceptual building. But first we were to document the structure and draw it as a way of understanding it’s structure and how it was built.

I chose the Roosevelt Island Bridge for my transformation into a building; my building being a health/gym complex. Roosevelt Island is a narrow island in New York City’s East River. It lies between Manhattan Island to its west and the borough of Queens on Long Island to its east. The bridge is a lift bridge (center section lifts up to allow large vessels through) and connects Roosevelt Island to Queens.

I chose to put my building on Pier 51 on the Hudson at West Street and 13th Avenue. This pier was demolished and replaced with what is now called Pier 51 Playground. The irony is that the Chelsea Piers a little farther north was transformed in the late 90’s into what is now the Sports Center at Chelsea Piers.

Norton gave us a format; 11 x 17 strathmore paper. All drawings were to be done in ink. Ink is so unforgiving. A mistake and you have to start the sheet over. Yes the good old days before Computer Aided Design & Drafting (CADD).

click on images to enlarge

Context Map & Axonometric


Site Plan


Elevations and Section




Below are drawings of Roosevelt Island Bridge

Sections and Axonometric


Elevation and Plans


Sending My Art Into Outer Space

NASA has asked the public to submit artwork to ride on a spacecraft whose destination is an asteroid. The website dedicated to this project www.asteroidmission.org/WeTheExplorers says:

We are all explorers in our own way. Whether it’s an expedition to a distant asteroid, meticulous research revealing the inner workings of a tiny cell, or the creation of a moving song or poem, exploration is the essence of our human spirit.

As we prepare for launch, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx team invites you to ponder the big questions with us:

  • What does it mean to be an explorer like OSIRIS-REx?
  • What might this mission teach us about ourselves and our universe?
  • How are we as a people stretched and deepened by explorations beyond our Earthly home?

Then, share your reflections with us—and with the universe—in a creative work that will ride aboard the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft on its journey to the asteroid Bennu.

All submissions that are posted before the deadline of March 20, 2016 and or before the server is filled up will travel to space. Click here for instructions on how to submit. Here’s my submission “I’ve A Feeling We’re Not in Kansas Anymore”

artwork "I've A Feeling We're Not in Kansas Anymore"