MACHINA CURVARUM is a whimsical machine, devoid of practical function but nevertheless functional in a spiritual way. It functions as a sensory inducer. What senses does it induce? That is up to you.
An Octahedron formed from 402 modular blocks is set in a metal ring with modular appendages that connect to the ring on an internal track allowing it to spin freely inside it. The ring is attached to axles allowing it to spin freely. The axles are connected to metal supports that rise up and down on hydraulic cylinders. This structure is set into a pair of concrete bases. The concrete bases act as ballast to counteract the centrifugal forces of the spinning structure.
App: Blender
Music: The Waltz Suite: I. The Building Site Composer: Alfred Schnittke Arranged and Conducted by Frank Strobel and performed by Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra
For best viewing experience, watch on youtube (click link at bottom). Check that setting is on HD resolution and unmute sound.
“As technology becomes ever inseparable from our everyday lives the boundaries between the digital and analog are increasingly blurred. Digitalism explores works by abstract artists that bridge the two realms whether the digital aspects are apparent or not. Andrew Reach creates fully digital images that harken back to his interest in architecture. Through the computer, Reach is able to render his compositions both one and two dimensionally, either animating them on screen, or digitally printing the work as physical objects. With their weavings, Meagan Smith begins their designs on the computer. Through the use of a digital loom, they are able to hand-paint the threads and manipulate the weaving as it’s being created to introduce analog processes into woven structures. Similarly, Jenniffer Omaitz develops her ideas from an interest in architecture through paper maquettes that are photographed, digitally rendered, and printed as a reference point for her paintings. Each artist utilizes a digital component, anchoring technology as a creative tool and process to create physical works.”
Christopher Richards
Context Fine Art at 78th Street Studios in the Gordon Square Arts District of Cleveland. Opening reception: Wednesday September 18, 6-8pm
click on images to enlarge
8 animations of my 3d models shown on a TV
Eight Animations Video
Looking at my work QUADRAMID V
Megan Alves, me and Context gallery owner Christopher Richards
click on images to enlarge (except mobile devices)
HASH MASH I, 2021 uv cured inkjet on cnc cut acrylic mounted to composite aluminum 50.25″h x 48″w, edition of 3
Individually, we have in our possession the most powerful technology humankind has ever seen, the smartphone. Historically, we live in our homes, work in offices and go places for recreation and to interact with family and friends. Being in these physical locations gives us a sense of place, of history. But more and more we find ourselves not so much in a physical location interacting with the world in real time, but in a virtual place, with our phones navigating our psyches. And social media has overwhelmingly become the facilitator of this new journey we are collectively traveling in. In its path, language is being reduced, with symbols replacing words and abbreviations replacing sentences. The hash symbol has become the symbol most representing the zeitgeist in this new terrain. When we publish a hashtag, were attaching metadata that links us to the world. We become searchable. We can be found.
Isosceles Follies I , 2020 uv cured inkjet on shaped composite aluminum panel edition of 3 dimensions variable (overall 48″ x 48″)
“Isosceles Follies I” is composed solely of these two isosceles triangles.
From Euclid’s Elements – Book I – definition XX:
Of trilateral figures, an equilateral triangle is that which has its three sides equal, an isosceles triangle that which has two of its sides alone equal, and a scalene triangle that which has its three sides unequal.