My Husband and I Surprised When My Sun Suddenly Appeared While Watching CBS Sunday Morning Broadcast January 9, 2022 About TikTok Star Adam Waheed and Other Comedians

My husband Bruce and I were watching the show CBS Sunday Morning (January 9), as we often do and suddenly, totally surprised, there it was, my “Eye Sun” flashing on the screen for just a couple of seconds after a segment about TikTok. The segment was about the rise of comedians on TikTok including the comedian star Adam Waheed with over 15 million TikTok followers and comedians Harry Leibow, Sarah Barnitt and Sam Ramsdell.

Another one of my suns appeared on the show 3 times in the past. Jessica Frank, the CBS “Sun Queen” had emailed me the day before on Saturday that another sun I had submitted was going to air but I didn’t look my emails on Saturday, hence it was a surprise. We’re glad we didn’t know in advance as it’s surprise lifted our spirits. Something we needed.

Eye Sun
Screenshot on CBS News Online of my Eye Sun that was shown on the Broadcast on January 9, 2022. It appeared after a segment about TikTok

See these earlier posts about my other sun that aired multiple times on CBS Sunday Morning.

Sun Art Aired on CBS Sunday Morning

A few weeks ago I submitted suns to CBS Sunday Morning (click here to see post). The sun above was selected and aired on the March 31, 2019 broadcast of the show.
Jessica Frank, the person at CBS who curates the selection of suns that air on the program, wrote me the following about airing my sun:

“I’m writing to let you know that one of your GORGEOUS suns will be on our Sunday Morning broadcast tomorrow. Steve Hartman is doing a really moving piece on a former convict/talented artist, and your sun is absolutely perfect at the end.”

Jessica Frank

The piece she is referring to is a moving story about wrongfully convicted artist Richard Phillips who created art in prison for decades. It was his way of surviving it knowing that he was innocent. This offered freedom that could not be taken away. Humbled that my sun was chosen to follow this story.

In Print – Model Citizen 3d Printed Sculptures in Think Magazine

think, is the magazine of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. The new fall/winter 2015 edition is out with an article about the move of thinkbox to the Richey Mixon Building. I’m honored that my 3d printed sculptures, “Model Citizens”, were mentioned and shown on the page titled Meet Some Makers.
I created them at Thinkbox at CWRU, a special facility that has state of the art equipment in the new revolution occurring in fabrication. Just think, in the past, an idea by a student,  just stayed an idea in the head. Now the student can think it, then draw it and now make it into a physical object. Thinkbox is moving to their new location, the newly renovated Richey Mixon Building, a 7 story building which through smart adaptive re-use, re-purposed the building for a new state-of-the-art hub for bringing new ideas to life.
At Thinkbox, the main bodies of the sculptures were printed on a industrial quality 3d printer. A CNC Routing machine cut solid maple into precise shapes that fit into the main body.

Think Magazine Page 13

The other makers on the page have made amazing things; a portable tester using a single drop of blood to provide near-immediate medical information; A walker, chair and caddy all in one to help individuals with physical limitations do household duties more easily; a custom off-road mini baha vehicle built by CWRU Motorsports Baja team; Compliant Modular Mesh Worm, a robot device that mimics how a worm propels itself to navigate through tight spaces. Applications would include much better inspection and repair of piping systems.


“Model Citizens”on display April-May 2015 at University Hospitals Case Western Medical Center