Two of my works are being shown in the exhibition TANGENTS – ABSTRACT AND GEOMETRIC ART IN NORTHEAST OHIO at the Artists Archives of the Western Reserve curated by Jenniffer Omaitz. I’m honored that my work QUADRABAR I is featured in the article and that my work is covered in this review by artist, gallerist and writer Christopher Richards on the CAN Journal website. Click here to read the article.
The exhibition runs from November 2 – December 16, 2023. Hope you can visit and see not only my work but the wonderful work of the other artists.
Curator Jenniffer Omaitz will give a curators talk at the AAWR on December 2 at 1:00pm.
Modeled in the program Blender, I created a structure of 289 multi-colored blocks with multi-colored sloping fins at 51.5 degrees (the angle of slope of the Great Pyramid of Giza). This view is in perspective with the virtual camera looking upward from the bottom.
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QUADRAMID VI, 2023 cnc cut out inkjet on acrylic mounted to composite aluminum Dimensions Variable, 47.5″ x 47.5″ overall
Curated by artist Jenniffer Omaitz, she says: “Why is making abstract work still important? And how can the process of being an abstract artist lead to greater manifestations of perception? This exhibition aims to excite a deeper interest in geometric art and abstraction in the area and inspire more artists to open up their studio practice.“
Click here to learn more about this exhibition and additional programing for the exhibition on the Artists Archives website
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Curator of Tangents Jenniffer Omaitz (left) and Mindy Tousley, Executive Director of the Artists Archives
PYRALUX IV uv inkjet on acrylic mounted to composite aluminum and cut out on cnc router 47.5″ x 47.5″, edition 1 of 3
QUADRABAR I uv inkjet on acrylic mounted to composite aluminum and cut out on cnc router 47.5″h x 45.5″w, edition 1 of 3
Curator Jennifer Omaitz (center) and AAWR Executive Director Mindy Tousley (to her right) with the artists in the exhibition speaking about the exhibition
Artist and AAWR board member John Sargent III (left) and artist, curator and owner of Context Fine Art Gallery Christopher Richards
My husband, the incomparable Bruce Baumwoll talking with Megan Alves. Megan Alves is a art historian was previously marketing and program manager at AAWR.
from left: Artist Mark Howard (his work is in the exhibition), Curator Jenniffer Omaitz
Board Member Keith Berr & Linda Barberic
The exhibition runs from November 2 – December 16, 2023. Hope you can visit and see not only my work but the wonderful work of the other artists.
Tangents: Abstract and geometric Art in Northeast Ohio continues on in this tradition by gathering together a collection of diverse and prolific NEO artists who are choosing to work in a nonrepresentational way. While their various works include forays into: Color, optical interplay, mathematics, space, surface, texture, process, and the built environment, all explore their individual pursuits in geometry and abstraction.
Curator Jennifer Omaitz writes,” The idea for this exhibition grew out of a call to action. In the wake of the COVID 19 Pandemic most regional artworks appeared to explore literal pictorial space in painting and sculpture. Questions circulated about who in the area is making design dominant, non-representational work? Why is making abstract work still important? And how can the process of being an abstract artist lead to greater manifestations of perception? This exhibition aims to excite a deeper interest in geometric art and abstraction in the area and inspire more artists to open up their studio practice… The process of making abstract art occupies a rare space. It combines ways of thinking and making that interact with the temporal; sometimes abstraction is minimal and simplified, sometimes optical, and sometimes part of a collaged or combined language. It slows down or abandons the use of literal shapes and forms, often including ad hoc arrangement and disparate elements to engage the viewer in a space where philosophical questions prevail. The work has the power to share the pictorial space of color and surface with sensuality, metaphor, and resonance.”
I have two artworks in the exhibition; QUADRABAR I and PYRALUX IV. These pieces represent a new direction in my work, connecting my roots as an architect with my digital media practice by utilizing 3d modeling to create geometric abstraction. I call this process 3D Derivatives. The idea of an artist being derivative often has a negative connotation, as being imitative of another artist. But I’m using this word in a different context; that of something that is derived from a source, in this case the source being a 3d model. A 3d model can be viewed in many ways, orthographically and in perspective, from the top, bottom and sides, from different angles, rotated… etc. and a 3D model can be rendered with realistic shadows. These characteristics draw me into this process enabling me to expand on my geometric abstraction in ways not possible in 2D. Using the program Blender, I first create a 3d model, add color and study different camera views and lighting to cast shadows that emphasize the forms. I then export renderings to be printed on rigid substrates and cut them out on a router allowing the geometry to reveal its edges.
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QUADRABAR I, 2023 uv inkjet on acrylic/composite aluminum cut out on cnc router dimensions variable – 47.5″h x 45.5″w overall, edition of 3
QUADRABAR I is a visualization in perspective looking directly overhead of a structure of a grid of cubes intersected by bars. They shift up in down, undulating in a wave like formation assembling an implied geographic terrain. Infused with 14 colors plus black and white, it comes alive as an optical tapestry in a symphony of color.
PYRALUX IV, 2023 uv inkjet on acrylic/composite aluminum cut out on cnc router dimensions variable – 47.5″ x 47.5″ overall, edition of 3
PYRALUX IV is a visualization in perspective looking directly overhead of a structure of 2 back to back square pyramids of stepped blocks color coded with primary colors plus white forming the platonic solid, the Octahedron. The stepped blocks along the edges of the octahedron are recessed, splitting the octahedron into 8 parts of which only 4 parts are visible in this view. The Octahedron’s vertices are color coded in black. A series of smaller blocks nest on the larger blocks increasing in size as they cascade down from the vertices.
The exhibition runs from November 2 – December 16, 2023. Hope you can visit and see not only my work but the wonderful work of the other artists.