Nine Octoquads

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Nine Octoquads, 2019
shaped w/ cut-outs uv cured digital print on composite acrylic/aluminum panel
panel shaped and cut-out on CNC Router

Nine Octoquads, 2019
UV cured digital print on composite aluminum panel,
panel shaped and cut-out on CNC Router

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Video: Baumwoll Archives Presents -The Art & Healing World of Andrew Reach

My Husband Bruce Baumwoll created this wonderful video featuring my art and the many places it has gone to. My art is always about healing as making each work assists my mind and body with my challenges of coping with pain and mobility and this video expresses that beautifully. With access to all of my images, he curated a range of my work in different periods. The images go by fast; quick impressions building on each other. The speed and music captures the energy he sees in my art. In a way, it’s a love letter to me in video form. We’ve been together over 38 years now and I could not have created this work without his love and devotion.

Here’s what Bruce wrote about the video:

I hope you enjoy this extraordinary experience of the art of Andrew Reach, who happens to be my husband for almost 39 years now. No matter how many times while editing it, I have watched his images, it continually takes me away from self into a world of color, shape and wonder. For those of you who are just seeing the work of Andrew Reach for the first time, he was an architect and because of a rare debilitating spine disease, became disabled and reinvented himself as an artist.

I want to share the following quote by Andrew’s late uncle James Grossman. It was written for us as a comment on Amazon when Andrew had a 2012 Calendar “Circles”.

“The very existence of this art required the intersection of time, circumstance and events beyond normal understanding. Add the needed advances in personal technology, previous education, an overwhelming medical disability, the determination of one young man to fight and create, and the love of another determined to help, that is the story of these works. And with all that, the art still overwhelms the story. Full disclosure requires stating that Andrew and Bruce are my Nephews, and that I love them.”

I invite you to see Bruce’s other videos on youtube and his blog on an eclectic range of his interests.

Click here to go to his youtube channel

Click here to go to his blog Baumwoll Archives

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Octoquad – Hexadecagon

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Octoquad – Hexadecagon, 2019
UV cured inkjet on shaped acrylic mounted on UV cured inkjet yellow composite aluminum panel, edition of 3, 24 x 24 inches

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Sun Shown Again On Another Broadcast of CBS Sunday Morning

screenshot of the sun as it appeared on the June 23, 2019 broadcast of CBS Sunday Morning

A sun I submitted to CBS was shown on the CBS Sunday morning broadcast on March 31, 2019 following a story about wrongfully convicted artist Richard Phillips who created art in prison for decades.  So I was astonished when I got an email with the subject line “We’re using your sun again tomorrow” from Jessica Frank with CBS Sunday Morning and she said:

I wanted to let you know that your yellow and black sun, which is SO cool, will appear on our Sunday Morning broadcast tomorrow, at the end of a story that we’re doing on Street Wear. It’s the perfect ending.

On Sunday morning June 23, 2019 the sun aired for the second time on the show at the end of the Street Wear Segment which you can see below.

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