One Asterisk I

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One Asterisk I, 2020
uv cured inkjet on shaped/cut-out aluminum panel
dimensions vary (44hw x 48″w overall), edition of 3

Here I celebrate the underestimated asterisk. The iconography of the Asterisk is deeply embedded in the human psyche. The symbol of the asterisk, ubiquitous today, used in computer language and mathematics has ancient roots going back to pre-history in cave paintings by ice age humans. The word Asteriskos in greek means “little star”. Used in language to correct defects, the first known use is by the Greek scholar of Homeric poetry, Aristarchus of Samothrace, to mark duplicate lines in written text. In todays language it is used to tone down expletives, a common example being f**k. ⁠

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New Artwork – Quadratadot II

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Quadratadot II, 2020
assemblage: uv cured inkjet on cut-out shaped acrylic panel & raised acrylic squares and dots
edition of 3, dimensions variable (48″ x 48″ overall)

The construct of squares and diamonds have a “wiggle” that suggests vibration and movement. My geometric constructs are all about kinetic expression providing me a geometric language to be in motion and live outside the constriction and pain that is my constant companion.

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Happy Holidays 2020 – Brighter Days Ahead in 2021

2020 has been a hard year. So much suffering and loss of life that’s hard to comprehend. The shattered lives of so many. The loss of jobs, home and food insecurity of so many compounded by leadership at the top, Trump and his administration, that doesn’t care as long as the stock market is strong. I could go on and on.

This year I embarked on my yearly tradition of creating a Happy Holidays card with trepidation. But the human spirit is to be celebrated even in times of extreme adversity. Seeing so many heroes among us, front line workers, doctors nurses and essential workers doing the work that keeps society going proves this. So I made this card with abstracted people representing the human spirit thriving during the pandemic.

Wishing all, of all faiths and agnostics, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and Happy Kwanzaa. I hope you find some Joy this holiday season. A brighter future is ahead.

A note about the card artwork.
The holiday card combines influences of the three monotheistic faiths; Judaism, Christianity and Islam. For Christianity, the symbol of the Christmas Tree with the Star of Bethlehem on top. For Judaism, the Star of David (you have to look for it). For Islam, the interlaced pattern forming hexagons and hexagrams representing Islamic art.

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New Artwork – Lumen De Stellarum

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Lumen De Stellarum, 2020
multi-layered uv inkjet on composite aluminum panel
assemblage of cut-out top panel and shaped cut-outs float 3/4″ above base white panel
48″h X 60″w, edition of 3
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