MACHINA CURVARUM – A Whimsical Machine

MACHINA CURVARUM is a whimsical machine, devoid of practical function but nevertheless functional in a spiritual way. It functions as a sensory inducer. What senses does it induce? That is up to you.

An Octahedron formed from 402 modular blocks is set in a metal ring with modular appendages that connect to the ring on an internal track allowing it to spin freely inside it. The ring is attached to axles allowing it to spin freely. The axles are connected to metal supports that rise up and down on hydraulic cylinders. This structure is set into a pair of concrete bases. The concrete bases act as ballast to counteract the centrifugal forces of the spinning structure.

App: Blender

The Waltz Suite: I. The Building Site
Composer: Alfred Schnittke
Arranged and Conducted by Frank Strobel and performed by Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra

For best viewing experience play with sound and watch directly on Youtube by clicking ‘Watch on Youtube’ at lower left.

CURVARUM I- Architecture meets Sculpture


My work evolves over time with a constant drive of its connection to architecture. The challenge is to merge mathematical aspects of tectonic systems into the constructed form and space hovering between arts and architecture, envisioning and making geometric structures and tectonic systems that blur their boundaries. Geometric structures, different kinds of architectures emerge that uncovers, discovers unexpected three-dimensional patterns, forms, and dynamics Creating complex geometric constructs engage simultaneously analytical and synthetic operations.

With CURVARUM I, undulating massing of syncopated modulations are supported by a concrete ‘spine’ and concrete columns. The module is constructed from a grid of circles (see last image in this post). Using modules is a tectonic approach to form making.

click on images to enlarge (except for mobile devices)

Animations of 3D Models Shown at the Exhibition DIGITALISM

The exhibition DIGITALISM not only showed my 2d cut out prints on acrylic derived from 3d models, but also included on a large screen TV, showed videos of animations of the 3d models the artworks were derived from. Also shown were animations of structures exploring tectonics that lie somewhere between sculpture and architecture, blurring their boundaries.

These are the eight videos. For the best view experience, click ‘Watch on YouTube’ and click on settings (gear icon) and set Quality to 1080p HD.









I was awarded the Ohio Arts Council Artists with Disabilities Access Program Grant (ADAP)

DIGITALISM Exhibition – 3D Derivative Artworks and 3D Animations

Thrilled about my upcoming show with Jenniffer Omaitz and Meagan Smith titled “Digitalism” at Context Fine Art with openings on September 18 and September 20.

I’ll be showing new router cut prints on acrylic of work derived from 3d virtual models.

In addition to the artworks, I will also be showing 8 animations of my 3D work on a TV. Four of the animations are the ‘Parents’ to the artworks in the show. The other four are structures that hover between art and architecture. The animations are choreographed with music and there will be headphones to listen.

Context Fine Art is located at 78th Street Studios, 3rd Floor
1300 W. 78th Street, 1305 W 80th St, Cleveland, OH 44102

Opening; Wednesday September 18, 6-8pm
Third Friday’s 5-9pm or by Appointment

cnc cut out uv inkjet on acrylic mounted to composite aluminum
derived from virtual 3d model.

The following are stills from the animations of structures that blur boundaries between art and architecture.







This is a screencast clip one of those, STELLA OCTANGULA, being rendered. I sped up the clip 6 times showing 2 frames being rendered. This animation in total has 1,800 frames and took 25 hours to render. The renderings are choreographed with music and there will be headphones to listen.

I was awarded the Ohio Arts Council’s Artists With Disabilities Access Program (ADAP) Grant for fiscal year 2024.